In places, like Earth, where such manipulation appears to require assistance, Yog-Sothoth seems unable to break through without a foolish human or alien to open a Gate or breach the space-time barriers. Named by some as the Nemesis Star, it roams the void of space, apparently free 87 CHAPTER 2 m a l have passed Earth in prehistory and alleged to have caused the CretaceousTertiary (K-T) extinction event that saw three-quarters of the planets life die some 66 million years ago. A cavalcade of monsters and god-like alien intelligences beyond human understanding, all vividly detailed and portrayed. - H HAN (Great Old One/Unique Entity) Know it as HAN, who comes veiled in mist and with the howling of dogs. Most will be initially amazed and then horrified with the gigantic scale of the web, even more so when AtlachNacha and its children make an appearance. Whether this is accidental or a means for the Elder deity to appear before or communicate with humans without driving them insane is unknown. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: NCTOSA & NCTOLHU Use this profile for both entities. About Community. Some suggest that Yog-Sothoths involvement with humanity, in the begetting of a child, is the means to create the key that shall one day call down its father and thereby bring these elements together. Is Physical Product: [Y] Has Inventory: [Y]United States: [Y]United Kingdom: [Y]Europe: [Y]Australia: [Y]Canada: [N], Has Lulu: [N] Lulu Product Name: [Nameless Horrors - POD] Lulu Product Link: [/nameless-horrors-pod/], Is PDF Available: [Y] PDF Product Name: [Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - PDF] PDF Product Link: [/malleus-monstrorum-cthulhu-mythos-bestiary-pdf/], Has Physical Product: [Y] Is Physical Available: [N] Physical Product Name: [Malleus Monstrorum - Cthulhu Mythos Bestiary - Slipcase Set] Physical Product Link: [/malleus-monstrorum-cthulhu-mythos-bestiary-slipcase-set/]. A new two volume bestiary has arrived from Chaosium Inc for the legendary Call of Cthulhu roleplaying game. If summoned, it is liable to burst upward from the ground, showering all present with filth, dirt, and virulent ichor. Spider Limbs: body is transformed, possessing multiple limbs or spider-like limbs instead of human ones. Those unwittingly entering such sites may be accosted by the cult and, possibly, murdered for walking on holy ground. WAILING WRITHER, THE A towering mass of black flesh, constantly swirling and spraying watery-black slime from hundreds of drooling and shrieking mouths. Regenerates 5 hit points per magic point spent in healing itself (death at zero hit points). Knowledge of Corruption: by eating the flesh of a deceased person the cultist gains some of the dead persons memories (such as their name, key information, spells known); for some, the ability extends to eating a portion of the flesh of a living person, granting similar knowledge. A handful of scholars posit a different connection, YIBB-TSTLL (Great Old One/Outer God/Unique Entity) Yibb-Tstll Within the dream, I, at last, came to the mountain and beheld the suckling mother of the nightgaunts. Those who fall into or are pulled into the entitys mass are most likely lost forever, their bodies absorbed. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: GLAAKI STR 200 Glaaki, the inhabitant of the lake Sanity Loss: 1D3/1D20 Sanity points. The cult believes they will play a hand in the reawakening of Great Cthulhu, an action that shall bless them and remake them in Cthulhus image; thus, the cult works to prepare and bring about the Great Waking. The cult is directed by a secretive cabal of elders sometimes known as the Deathless Masters, although the term Undying Masters is also connected to this group. (Unique Entities) Powers Vibrating Hum: Zoth-Ommog emits a constant humming sound from within its mass that causes humans to be perceptible to delusions. Indeed, it appears content to wait in its lair and feed upon those who are brought to it by worshippers or else upon those who inadvertently cross its path. While the language of the serpent folk describes Yig as possessing a coiled and serpentine tail, later human worshippers talk of their god walking upon two, albeit scaly, legs. He knows where the Old Onesbroke through of old, and where They shall break through again. Keeper of the Moon-Lens Powers Transform: those eaten by the avatar may be transformed into a gof nn hupadgh and released, most likely near to the grey cone rock hidden the woods surrounding Goatswood. The tentacle has a range of 10 yards/ meters. In time, the carrier themselves begins to alter, their cells and flesh mutating at the incitement of Hastalk within; as to what horrors such folk become is left to the Keeper to determine. Regenerates 1D6 hit points for each magic point spent healing itself (death at zero hit points). Thus, at the avatars arrival, the local waters are teeming with sharks of all stripes. If within 10 miles (16 km), it costs the Old One 1 magic point to communicate with a human or to bind a human to a site for a day. Upon an overlarge head rose a single horn, below which its mouth was open to reveal many vicious-looking teeth. Do you play on a Virtual Tabletop? Sir Amerys text tells of Shudde Mells confinement by the Elder Gods, as (he writes) they were unable to destroy the Old One. While sharing a common name, links between Lloigor and the race of creatures known as the lloigor are unclear. The growth of the Esoteric Order of Dagon along the New England coast, as well as other similarly fronted religious and fraternal orders elsewhere, means that the names of Dagon and Hydra are becoming relatively more well-known in certain quarters. According to the lore, this entity was born on the planet Yaksh (Neptune, the home of a curious race of fungoid beings), but now dwells Magic POW: 140 Magic Points: 28 Spells: Breath of Pazzuzu (variant), Circle of Nausea, Clutch of Nyogtha (variant), Raise Corpses (Waking World variant), Sense Life; others as desired by the Keeper. Like an elemental force of destruction and death, this avatar is uncontrollable and untamed, able to lay waste to great areas of the seas and also to coastal communities. Once INT reaches zero, the victim becomes lifeless and will die in 1D2 hours if hooked up to some form of life-support in this time, they may continue to live in a comatose state. He said that we would know Zhar as like a great number of eels, bound together, upright, and ever-moving in unison, while Lloigor resembled a mound of writhing worms. HASTUR: RAVENING ONE, THE TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: AMBER ELDER STR 100 CON 100 SIZ 70 (Avatar) Before us it appeared, falling from the sky in a fury of sound, and the earth-shaking where it landed. Clutch (mnvr): sends forth a leg tentacle to wrap around a target, who may then be yanked off their feet and dragged along the ground (1D4+1 damage per round, rougher surfaces may increase the damage). Thereafter, progressively horrible and sanity-wracking 79 CHAPTER 2 m a l Illusion: costing 5 magic points, can manipulate the sensory centers of a brain, creating any sensation desired for about five minutes. Some tomes report that sections of this web can be found in secret places deep in the earth, allowing one to venture onto the web, using it as a bridge to cross over a bottomless cavern, and from there travel to different places and even times. If in combat, the cats literally leap into the fray and act to shield Bast, who can then disappear. Madam Yi 226 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS Encounters True followers of Yidhra are often blessed with long (possibly immortal) lives, with almost all appearing to possess fangs, which many scholars propose to be the root cause of vampire myths around the world. Its only facial feature is a three-lobed burning red eye, and, other than its wings, it possesses no arms or legs. Machine Control: may take over and command the operation of any machines within 100 yards/meters at the cost of 5 magic points. Spells like Dampen Light, Bring Haboob, and similar are great for setting the mood. After 2 rounds, if not wearing sunglasses, a character suffers temporary blindness for 1D10 rounds (impose one penalty 50 DEITIES OF THE MYTHOS CTHULHU (Great Old One) I have found numerous representations of Cthulhu, each fashioned by hands whose minds were touched by some aspect of the Sleeper and, consequently, each differs by degrees. It reforms six months later. Regenerates 2 hit points per magic point spent in healing itself (death at zero hit points). Brood Carrier: those accepting Eihorts Bargain carry the deitys brood within them. Nodens appears to some as a jailer, tasked with limiting the power and reach of the Old Ones, or else interfering with the machinations of the Outer Gods. Best considered a malignant force, Ygolonac appears to exude and foster a moral decline in those it influences, with some scholars saying the entitys mind has a fondness for reaching out to touch those humans already predisposed to debauchery and low moral behavior. Fighting 65% (33/13), damage 4D6 Envelope (mnvr) 65% (33/13), held, damage 9D6 (see above) Zoth Syra and Yoth Kala Armor None. The incantation is known to be set down in the Necronomicon, although other versions may exist (the accuracy of these may differ greatly). Given the deitys capacity for making personal appearances during cult rituals, face to face contact is possible, but not advised. In addition, at a cost of 10 magic points, Saaitii may send forth its mind to find and target a particular person within 5 miles (8 km), who may throw off this mind contact with a successful POW roll. Is there a single cult or many smaller ones? Such transactions require Yog-Sothoth to gain something in return, be this nourishment through sacrifices or a means to possess or instill a portion of its being into an earthly vessel. Immune to mundane weapons (incl. While often female in aspect, the avatar is said to also take a male form, although this remains unconfirmed. These decks provide new layers to plots, enhance Call of Cthulhu 7e Malleus Monstrorum. TYPICAL PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION: YTHOGTHA STR 200 CON 500 SIZ 275 DEX 65 Aura Anything connected to this entity tends to convey a sense of damp or wetness, with items being oily to the touch and provoking negative reactions. ) 127 Saaitii (? If reduced to zero hit points, Tsathoggua melts into a pool of viscid matter. Others suggest that, for some unknown reason, Yig found kinship with the reptilian serpents, favoring these above all others. Author: Rob McCreary. Know Yidhra through the comely forms that disguise the corruption within, which no man can look upon and live.

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