WebIsaiah was a prophet of the southern kingdom, living in a critical period of his nation. We should never forget that whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for the learning of future generations to the end of time, to inspire patience, comfort, and hope (Romans 15:4). Foskey, however, is far from a lock to be selected with one of the 31 first-round selections. It was therefore not alone unto themselves and to their contemporaries that the prophets ministered, but also to all sincere men and women of later generations (1 Peter 1:12). For these reasons Daniels extended prophetic ministry can be dated approximately from 603 to 535 B.C. The voice of God through the prophets distinctly speaks to us today. Isaiah The last part of the lecture turns to Second Isaiah and the famous servant songs that find a universal significance in See Exodus 31:2-6; 35:33, 35. Thereafter, God let out his vineyard [see Isaiah 5:1-7] unto other husbandmen who would render him the fruits in their seasons (see on Matthew 21:41). Israels unwillingness to submit to the restrictions and requirements of God, prevented them, to a great extent, from reaching the high standard He desired them to attain, and from receiving the blessings He was ready to bestow upon them. Its messages show that it was written after the time of the kingdom of Judah, when a governor ruled over the country (chapter 1:8), a fact that points to the Persian period. Note by whom it was spoken, to whom it was addressed, and the circumstances that called it forth. RLST 145 - Lecture 19 - Open Yale Courses Hence, the year 603 can be considered as the beginning of Daniels ministry as a prophet. Who was Isaiah in the Bible 3. Several of his messages were against various foreign nations. Though the prophet looked at events about him, he also could see far beyond his own day. Nahum is called the Elkoshite (chapter 1:1), but Elkosh is unknown as a place name, although commentators have tried to identify it with Elkesi in northern Galilee, Alkush near Mosul, and a town near Eleutheropolis in Judah. For these reasons the 7th-century date for Joel has been adopted in this commentary, although there is no conclusive proof that this choice is correct. Did Isaiah The house of God in Jerusalem would eventually be called an house of prayer for all people (chapter 56:7), and many people and strong nations would come to seek the Lord of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before Him in that day and be His people (Zechariah 8:22; 2:11). Matthew 19:16, 17; 22:36-40). Few passages of Scripture are more commonly misunderstood and variously interpreted than those containing the divine promises made to ancient Israel through the prophets. All who have faith in Christ are one in Him, and, as a the spiritual seed of Abraham, are heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:9, 28, 29). They were doing no positive good; therefore they were doing incalculable harm, and their influence became a savor of death. However, there is no valid reason why Malachi should not be considered a proper name. Had Judah remained loyal to God its captivity would not have been necessary. Those nations that rejected the worship and service of the true God, were to be dispossessed, and Israel would inherit the Gentiles chapter (54:3). Several of the prophets messages are dated exactly, and the last of these dated prophetic messages was received in the 27th year of Ezekiels captivity (chapter 29:17), 571/70. Though, on the whole, literal Israel failed to realize her exalted destiny, the chosen race did make a worth-while, though imperfect, contribution to the preparation of the world for the first advent of the Messiah (see on Matthew 2:1). With the crucifixion of Christ they forever forfeited their special position as Gods chosen people. 9:129) This verse first Earlier commentators attempted to equate the two men, because of the use of similar expressions in their utterances (Micah 1:2; cf. No, there were three prophets of God who followed Isaiah. 3. The futurist school ignores both the conditional element pervading predictive prophecy, clearly and emphatically proclaimed by the prophets themselves, and the specific statements of the New Testament that affirm that the privileges and responsibilities of ancient Israel have, in Christ, been transferred to the church. Scholars differ widely in their views concerning the time of Joels ministry. God entered into solemn covenant relationship with him (Genesis 15:18; 17:2-7), and his posterity, Israel, inherited the sacred trust of being Gods chosen representatives on earth (Hebrews 11:9) for the salvation of the entire human race. Hosea 2:6-13). That which God purposed to do for the world through Israel, the chosen nation, He will finally accomplish through His church on earth to-day. When Manasseh came to the throne as sole ruler upon his fathers death, approximately in 686, he lost little time in removing the faithful seer. Jeremiah Isaiah WebIn Jeremiah, Yahweh is portrayed as one who reveals himself primarily through his word, whereas in Ezekiel, Yahweh is presented in visions of God (pp. Jeremiah WebJeremiah was active as a prophet from the thirteenth year of Josiah, king of Judah (626 BC), until after the fall of Jerusalem and the destruction of Solomon's Temple in 587 BC. It was to be the result of wholehearted cooperation with the will of God as revealed through the prophets, and of divine blessing added to human efforts. 19:21; Isaiah 46:10; Acts 5:39; Hebrews 6:17; etc. The material advantages that Israel enjoyed were designed to arrest the attention and catch the interest of the heathen, for whom the less obvious spiritual advantages had no natural attraction. Technical know-how would render products made in Israel superior to all others. Minor Prophets in the Bible: Amos Paul states the same truth in Romans 9:30, 31, where he makes it plain that the Christian church has replaced the Hebrew nation in the divine plan. Isaiah and Jeremiahs preaching against false idols and false prophets, mutual oppressions between nations, and against general injustice remains timely. It ran from the last year Judah's King Uzziah ruled (740 B.C. WebThese chapters in Ezekiel are similar to those in Isaiah and Jeremiah where prophetic burdens are pronounced on certain foreign nations (see Isaiah 1323; Jeremiah 4651). Jeremiah (Yirmiyahu) It was Jeremiahs lot in life to be known throughout the ages as the prophet of doom, for he was G-ds main spokesman in the generation of the destruction of Jerusalems first Temple. God provided Israel with every facility for becoming the greatest nation on the earth. What archaeological evidence implies Isaiah was a unified book? Whatever the Jews, as a nation, may do, now or in time to come, is in no way related to the former promises made to them. That some of the words he uses are also found in Jeremiah (Obadiah 1, 3, 4; cf. Jeremiah Nick Baumgardner, a senior writer from the same publication, predicts Notre Dames all-time sack leader will fall to the early third round in his latest mock draft.. Daniel Jeremiah, a draft analyst for the NFL Network, concurs. This prophecy must have been pronounced either before Jeroboam came to the throne (approximately 793 B.C.) In the lives of Gods people the truths of His word are to reveal their glory and excellence. The close of his ministry is tentatively set by some scholars at 510. Who served as Jeremiah's scribe? See Deuteronomy 7:13; 28:2-8; Malachi 3:8-11. Nothing is impossible with God. Jeremiah 49:14, 16), and Joel (Obadiah 15, 17; cf. Some believe that the prophet refers to the conquest of Jerusalem at the time of King Jehoram (2 Kings 8:20-22; 2 Chronicles 21:8-10, 16, 17) in the 9th century; others believe that the prophet is speaking of Jerusalems destruction by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 B.C. This form literally means that the stretching of the heavens was completed or finished some time ago. and Jeremiah Isaiah 54:7; Ezekiel 36:11; 43:10, 11; Micah 6:8; Zechariah 10:6). For a graphic picture of how one nation would have responded to the irresistible appeal radiating from an Israel faithful to God, see Isaiah 19:18-22; cf. The late date is taken here, without prejudice toward an early one. Spiritual prosperity was to prepare the way for material prosperity. The prophet Daniel later prayed for more understanding about Jeremiahs time prophecy. But the Scriptures record the fact that they disobeyed God and proved disloyal to Him instead. They looked for Messiah to reign as a temporal prince (cf. WebIn Isaiah, we read about God's unbroken relationship with His people both the promise and its fulfillment in an ongoing pattern that's visible throughout history. Micah, Hosea, and Jeremiah. Many others, including Lehi and Jeremiah, lived at the same time. These promises of prosperity and a successful mission were to have met fulfillment in large measure during the centuries following the return of the Israelites from the lands of their captivity. Since the hostile acts of the heathen peoples committed against Judah (chapter 3:4 ff.) In that day every one that is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall even go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts (Zechariah 14:16; cf. They are called minor prophets because their books are less in size (these books are all very small and contain few 740-700 B.C. It was ordained of God to meet the needs of His people at the time it was given and to remind them of the glorious destiny that awaited them as a nation, of the coming of the Messiah, and of the establishment of His eternal kingdom. From generation to generation these holy men of God (2 Peter 1:21) called Israel to repentance and righteousness and kept alive the Messianic hope. The following simple rules are suggested as a safe approach to the study of each prophetic passage of the Old Testament: 1. Answer Jeremiah was one of the major prophets of ancient Israel and a key figure in the Old Testament. Not only is Malachi last in the sequential order of the prophets; it is also the last prophetic book produced in pre-Christian times. Strangely, no evidence suggests that any of these knew in person any of the others. In that year, in the fifth month, there was public conflict between Jeremiah and the prophet Hananiah (Jeremiah 28). It is ever the privilege of those who witness the fulfillment of prophecy to remember and believe (John 13:19; 14:29; John 16:4). The prophetess Huldah was a relative and contemporary of Several prophecies followed a few months later (Zechariah 1:7 to 6:15). answer. The plan itself never changes because God never changes. Spiritual Israel includes both Jews and Gentiles (verse 24). He went to Bethel, a sanctuary city of the northern kingdom, to deliver prophecies of warning, reproof, and doom to Israel. The establishment of the Hebrew monarchy did not affect the basic principles of the theocracy (Deuteronomy 17:14-20; 1 Samuel 8:7). He was sawed in half, Menessah killed him. Micah states that his ministry fell in the time of the kings Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah (chapter 1:1). The following brief summaries contain the evidence on which the various prophets have been entered in the chronological positions in which they are found in the chart. Daniel 2:35). answer. The Bible contains more information about his life and times than any other prophet. They brought forth wild grapes rather than the mature fruit of a Godlike character (Isaiah 5:1-7; cf. The life story of Jeremiah is better known than that of any other prophet. ), success must and will comethrough Israel after the spirit. Church tradition suggests that Jeremiah was stoned to death in Egypt by the Jews. He had told them that He would progressively diminish their strength and honor as a nation until they should all be carried away into captivity (Deuteronomy 28:15-68; 2 Chronicles 36:16, 17). He quotes Hosea 2:23. Jer 2 - 6 2, 3 God sends Jeremiah to Jerusalem to give a series of messages to the people of Judah. 22 quart mirro pressure canner There is no god but He. Thus Israel was to blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit (Isaiah 27:6). All rights reserved. There was nothing God could have done for them that He did not do, yet they failed. Daniel was taken to Babylon in 605 B.C., during the accession year of Nebuchadnezzar (see on chapter 1:1). 3:5). Nabopolassar 626 B.C. COMPARISON BETWEEN THE PROPHETS ISAIAH, DANIEL, AND ZECHARIAH Before the Israelites entered the Promised Land, God warned them not to forget that the blessings they were to enjoy there if they cooperated with Him would come as divine gifts (see Deuteronomy 8:7-14), not primarily as the result of their own wisdom and skill (verses 17-19). It is possible that he was a Temple singer, since his third chapter is dedicated to the chief singer on my stringed instruments (chapter 3:19). Since no conclusive evidence for any of these three views exists, all are presented here: 1. None of Judahs last four kings trusted in the Lord, so Jeremiahs ministry was rejected by all of them. 2. 2. Prophets: Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Any idea that the return of the Jews to their ancestral home, that is, to the new state of Israel, may in any way be related to Bible prophecy is without valid scriptural foundation. In the 5th year of Jehoiachins captivity, 593/92, Ezekiel had his first vision by the river Chebar, a canal near the famous city of Nippur in lower Babylonia (chapter 1:1-3). Isaiah lived about 700 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Most of them are mentioned in the Bible, in either the prophetic or the historical books. It was Gods design that the whole earth be prepared for the first advent of Christ, even as to-day the way is preparing for His second coming. WebISAIAH, DANIEL, AND ZECHARIAH We need to make a comparison between the three prophets, Isaiah, Daniel, and Zechariah, in two matters: in Gods economy toward His chosen people and in Christ for the people of His concern. But when the Jews rejected Christ there was no such assurance of reinstatement. He was therefore a somewhat younger contemporary of Isaiah, to whose vocabulary and terminology his prophecies show great similarity (Micah 4:1-4; cf. But it is only against the background of the original historical context of the message that its meaning and value for us can be established with certainty. The glorious era of David and Solomon marked what might have been the beginning of Israels golden age). For I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.. The day, before, He had called it my house (chapter 21:13), but henceforth He no longer owned it as His. The importance of their books cannot be overestimated, as many of these prophecies are yet to be fulfilled. Hence no reference to these two kingdoms was made by the prophet. Hence the year 571/70 must not be considered as necessarily marking the end of his ministry. Gedaliah is made governor over the small group of Jews that remain in Jerusalem. (27-3) Ezekiel 25:3. In a mysterious way known only to God the prophets words were sometimes intended to meet their fulfillment in the then far-distant future. The people might approach God personally and through the ministry of a mediating priesthood, their representatives before Him; He would direct the nation through the ministry of prophets, His appointed representatives to them. And he did so, walking naked and barefoot. By Which king? Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel Many messages and prophecies can be understood correctly only if seen against the background of the time in which the prophets ministered and in the light of the events that happened during their lives. This situation fits best the time prior to the rise of the Chaldean Empire under Nabopolassar, who began to reign in 626/25 B.C., and who, with the Medes, was responsible for the destruction of Assyria. The fickle, human will is the weak, unstable factor in conditional prophecy. Jer 31:35. To pray by faith for God to fulfill His promises, we must be obedient to Gods difficult commands.

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