Nobody seems to mind, though trading modern creature comforts for a deeper connection to the land around by learning how to coexist with nature instead of profiting off it. The surf and rip currents are variable and often extremely treacherous, but worst in winter when high surf conditions prevail. In the summer, the caves offer shelter from the sun and wind. The upper half of this trail should be hiked only in good weather to avoid dangerous flash floods and falling rocks. Which, in consideration, is less than you would be paying for a beach-side hotel room. We walked back to the end of Kalalau Beach. Thanks so much. The other is the Big Pool, which isnt exactly that big, but still provides enough room for swimming around and diving in. Some dock a small boat in the town of Waimea and ride it over to Kalalau Valley to drop off passengers. For more information read our privacy policy. DROWNINGS OCCUR HERE REGULARLY! document.write("
Please Select
"); Weather Report says Rain, Should I panic? Hanakapiai Beach to Hanakapiai FallsFour miles roundtrip and located at mile 2 on the main trail, this side trail hikes up a valley that ends at a waterfall. Having a rock roll through your tent or crack you on the noggin may negatively impact your trip. A password will be mailed to you! The ocean engulfs the beach and carves caves into the young rock. You can camp on the Kalaau Beach. Thus, the only way to reach it is to swim. Must climb rock . mobile app. function noshow(star_img,rnid) List of properly permitted vacation rentals, not condos - 8/15/2017, Weather Questions start here Pls/Best Time of Year to Visit Kauai, How to make reservations at Haena State Park / Ke'e Beach. To prevent overpopulation, the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR) allows hunting on weekends in August and September. It is flanked by sheer canyon walls and it is illegal to boat or kayak there. 20 Things You Should Know Before Hiking Hawaii's Kalalau Trail The falls are 300 high and hikers can swim in the large, cold pool at its base. Click the link below to buy a transportation ticket which also includes your entry into the park. This camp is located on a section of the trail that is densely forested, so space is limited and crowded. var b = document.getElementById('t0'); *Clicking this link will redirect you to another website, Parking vouchers and entrance to the park can be purchased by clicking the link below. The trail begins right after Ke'e Beach and has extreme inclines and declines and narrow footpaths, especially between the dreaded 6.5 to 8 miles (10.5 to 12.9 km) into it. A) no one will be there to help, b) if anyone was, you'd be taking up critical medical space. Should I split my stay between 2 locations on Kauai? At the end of the beach is a point where you can swim or kayak around to Honopu - another amazing beach that has been in a number of movies. You just need to be a strong swimmer to get to it. You need to filter your water on the trail. Hanakoa Campground to Hanakoa FallsThis campground is a quick extra mile located at the halfway point of the main trail up a valley that ends at a waterfall. Permits cost $10 per person per night. I have a good friend who camps at Kalalau every Christmastime for many, many years. Would it still be safe during the time we are going? Ten lashes for me! Never swim in murky water and never swim in river mouths. You'll peer down thousands of feet into a colorful tropical landscape that is punctuated by a beautiful beach. Many hikers turn back when they reach Crawler's Ledge -- a narrow path carved into a cliff that runs for nearly a quarter-mile. }, Private and Quiet Luxury Beach House 3 minute walk to beach TVNC#5151, Hale Kahakai: Beachfront home on the Magical North Shore of Kauai, Hawaii Life Rentals presents Modern beach style vacation house, with A/C, Affordable Beach House Just Steps to the Beach Children Welcome! They often sell out and some people make reservations up to a year in advance. All rights reserved. There is a natural stone arch that you can walk beneath and another waterfall that you can stand under. On our trip, we found that the first few miles, due to heavy foot traffic, were in the worst shape, and trail conditions majorly improved further down the trail. if (field.value.length > maxlimit) selectedVal = '2'; Yes as daisies. A valid Npali Coast SWP camping permit grants access to Hena SP. } Division of State Parks | Kalalau Trail - Hawaii Also, there are strong rip and alongshore currents, which may be difficult to spot, even if the ocean appears calm. ), (Update 9/14/15: This rock was pushed into the oceanin a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. } But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap. ), At the end of the beach theres a massive rock that looks like it fell from high above.(Update 9/14/15: This areawas destroyed in a massive landslide during the winter of 2014-2015. The area upon which the Like so many beaches on the North Shore of Kauai safety is a big issue for Ke'e Beach. Along the beach, you'll find cliff walls and even some shallow caves to explore. The trail can be experienced in pieces and the most popular section of this trail is from Ke`e to Hanakapi`ai , where you will find a lush river valley. } Secure your car and limit the valuables left inside. here. After this walk, I believe I now know what acupuncture feels like. And don't be fooled by the first Kalalau Lookout sign. The sea can appear calm here at times (like summer) making it seem safe to swim. image = 'qw'+rnid + i; Favorite Kauai Restaurants (updated November 2017), How to Eat Vegan on the Garden Isle of Kauai. All rights reserved. Shipwrecks Beach, Kekaha Beach The large waves at Kalalau Beach can make a landing by boat extremely treacherous. Strong winds during the day form lines in the sand. Because I have law enforcement friends with the DLNR who fly in with helos, and clean the place up, as the permanent reisidents run off to hide in the jungle. An unmaintained 2-mile trail into Hanakapiai Valley leads to a waterfall. Carrying trekking poles was also immensely helpful in balancing on the more slippery portions. The beach sits at the foot of Kalalau Valley which is the jewel of the Na Pali Coast. Down below you'll see a light and lots of limbs strewn along the . Plan your trip accordingly. document.write("
"); It can be recognized by the relatively recent landslide and house-sized boulder near the beach. If possible, I would recommend making the trek all the way to the beach to camp. At Kalalau beach, you hike as far as possible on the beach, and then ideally go under a cave arch and arrive on the last beach. [KAUAI] UPDATED 3/2/23: Polihale State Park Is CLOSED until further notice due to an electrical outage that has put the water pump out of service. Kalalau Beach is about 1 mile (1.6 km) long. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Two days after we finished our hike, the trail was closed for almost a week due to flash flooding and the warning was posted in a red banner at the top of the web page. Apply for your permit about 6-12 months in advance. { As you walk down the beach youll encounter several caves. Swim to Honopu Beach from Kalalau Beach - Get Lost Then they told everyone to go out on the observation deck. On the north end of the valley is New beach (or Summer beach) the sand collects in the summer to make a nice stretch of beach, but in the winter the swell washes it all away. It's a surreal scene. Password should be at least 8 characters. The hike to the beach is two miles and takes 2 hours. The reserve harbors a variety of native lowland forest plants. Side note, if you are not a member you can still eat at their outdoor walk-up food counter and it is probably the cheapest meal on the island. Swimming or wading can be dangerous, however, and is not recommended. Beware of this fact when exploring the caves. document.getElementById('t0').innerHTML=selectedText; Polihale Beach . So, I was wondering from someone who has perhaps done it recently, what the experience was like? The short break makes for big waves, especially during the winter season, and the sandbar can be unpredictable. Other waterfalls will be along the journey, offering a much appreciated cold shower. It sounded amazing and the cool thing is, Cory took a risk and brought his dSLR with him in a dry bag (that orange thing hanging from his waist). For those with camping permits, get an early start to avoid overexertion in the midday heat. Then make some friends with the adventurers around you while you enjoy one of the last sunsets in the United States. You may recognize the coast from the film Jurassic Park where it is featured during the opening helicopter scene. Get in touch with us today to book your tour! } Its large and backs up to breathtaking views of rugged coastline and classic napali coastline. The first section of the Kalalau Trail stretches from the trailhead located at Kee Beach at Haena State Park to Hanakapiai valley. This remarkably beautiful beach has been the scene To learn about the cookies we use and information about your preferences and opt-out choices, please review our Privacy Policy
return; else if(i=='4'){ The trail that leads to this beach is considered the most difficult trails on the islands. Our Terms and Conditions, which contain an arbitration provision, may be viewed here. Heres the thing youre in the middle of nowhere out here. Dont get caught in here. It is a minimum 3-day round-trip journey for most people to hike all the way to Kalalau and back, which means that you have to be well outfitted and prepared for the journey. I didn't think you camp on the beach. Within the 5-night maximum, no 2 consecutive nights are allowed at Hanakoa. You'll need to purchase a camping pass for a stay in Kalalau, and they sell out months ahead of time. Beaches - Kalalau beach is the obvious highlight. But, that doesnt mean you need to stop here. If you see an advertisement for commercial camping along the Npali Coast, it is likely illegal. Hawaii. But if you abuse or harass the animal or your actions result in its . Hello. document.write(""); In-order to access the Npali Coast State Wilderness Park as well as the Kalalau Trail, visitors have to go through Hena SP. Those in tip top shape can do it in 8 hours, those more average take 10+. Its worth while to bring a way to store water, as the water source is a good trek from the designated camp areas. Here are a few examples of what you can expect: Pools-There are two main pool areas for some refreshing swimming. more. The park will REOPEN by 3:00 PM on Friday 3/3/23. Year-round residents like green sea turtles, dolphin, albatross birds, and endangered Hawaiian monk seals also live off the coast. Permits can only be picked up in person at several locations listed on their site. Share your great experiences with me, please? } Never allow small children to swim or play in water unattended. These terraces are now overgrown with a variety of alien trees, including Java Plum, guava, and occasional large mango trees. Take your time and place your feet carefully and you will get through just fine. The rugged, inaccessible coast is made up of a series of green cathedral cliffs that reach out into the ocean like the talons of an island-sized dragon. I don't know if there are companies regularly drop people off, but start at the state parks website: Here's the specific link for camping along the trail: Hiking NaPali Coast If the timing is not right for you to have such an in-depth and intensive experience; there are other ways to see the NaPali Coast by land. Makana Charters is a native Hawaiian family owned business that takes pride in providing the best possible experience for visitors to Kauai. Check overhanging trees for hazards from falling limbs. Near the Hanakoa Stream crossing, a rest area offers a stop for weary backpackers and hikers. High surf pounds the shore creating extremely turbulent waters. This stretch of sand extends well over a mile down the coast, with a number of caves along the way to explore. ), ^ Top of page | Home | Search | Archives, Unreal Hawaii is a digital magazine for people that love the Hawaii outdoors. Hideaway Beach My husband and I are both in shape and good swimmers, and would be making the attempt very early morning with fins and a snorkel. Though you may be tempted, please do not hike this trail without permission. else But because there is no legal camping in Kalalau valley, people usually say they camped "at" Kalalau beach to make the distinction. We are interested in making the ~1/4mi swim to Honopu Beach. 3. If you google Ben Stiller on David Letterman you can see a clip of him on Dave telling about a company that took him by boat to the end of the trail and then hiking the 11 miles to Ke'e. These illegal residents and some overnight campers can sometimes leave mounds of trash behind in this otherwise beautiful and isolated area. As you travel north, prices go up and options are more limited. All About The Bahamas' Swimming Pigs - Nassau Paradise Island Even amongst the gorgeous sights and sounds along the entire coastline, one area stands out above the rest. If your time on Kauai is limited you should definitely see it on one of our tours, whether you visit the valley or not. show(star_img,rid); And it's absolutely wonderful to take a dip in Queen's Bath after enjoying the turtles inside Turtle Cove. Those of us that didnt have sunglasses wore their swimming goggles to keep the sand out of their eyes. Tired hikers may be urged on by the panoramic view of Kalalau Valleys fluted cliffs and the coastline beyond.