Bring rope if possible and keep Ekundayo with you at least for the time being. Win or lose, Valerie will get something to remember Sinnet by: a scar across her face. Hopefully, your buffs should keep you safe: it will breathe fire to little effect and miss with its other attacks due to concealment. He will hint that he can make something truly amazing if only he could get his hands all three volumes of 'Of Transmutations and Bodily Poisons', initiating his artisan's quest. You starting point is approximately halfway down the eastern edge. Ask him what he's doing and ask about the dwarven outpost. Advance up the path to meet a large group of kobolds head-on: a Boomsayer, Alchemist Master, two Skirmishers and two Snipers. The most interesting thing here is that you can complete several quests at the same time: take Harrim (companion quest called Unwanted Legacy), Ekundayo (A Score to Settle quest) and Jubilost (Renowned Explorer quest) with you and go there. Regardless, he will say that the formula needs to be tested on something more human and suggests wererats. You cross Bridge over the Gudrin River. The Bronze Dwarven Key unlocks the final door. At the top, go left and defeat a pair of Gargoyles. Enjoy a traditional RPG experience inspired by games like Baldur's Gate, Fallout 1 and 2 and Arcanum. You can make a Knowledge (World) check (DC23) to decipher the central pillar. A woman named Jenna Tannersen will appear in your throne room around this time. Haste and Heroism help as does True Strike. After defeating them, you may want to use Inspire Competence because there are a number of high DC checks in this room. Due to this need, most trolls stake out large territories as their own, and fights between rivals are quite common. Kill them and the Dweomercat will promise her assistance at some later date. Try to avoid being flanked so they don't inflict large amounts of sneak damage. Loot the opened chest for a Red Cog-wheel Ring, a Breastplate +2, the Trollreaper greataxe and a Soot Blackened Apron (1/5), the first of another relic set. They depict the creation of a phylactery for a lich and the lich slaughtering innocents. You have business there, so pay it a visit. You can now unlock the large doors. Get out of the village, killing the rest of the lizards, and then leave the location and go back to the capital, where you need to talk with Jenna in the tavern. Have Ekun cast Aspect of the Falcon and Sense Vitals. There are two Lizardfolk Sentinels just past your starting point. Unless you want his loot which is quite nice. It's up to you what you do with her, but I might point out that in this sort of game, creating undead doesn't generally increase world happiness. There's some worthwhile loot there if you want to grab it. Go there and interact with it. If your main character is a Paladin, you're in luck. Don't go into the ruins just yet. Since they come from all sides, the archers can really catch you on the hop. If you want some pointless combat, head east up the slope where you will face a pair of Hodag-like Treants. There is a hidden cache nearby with a Token of the Dryad. If your alignment is not lawful or evil, make a quicksave because the optimum outcome to this quest will depend on a skill check. Note that you cannot proceed further into the keep. This is an optional dungeon that gradually opens up as the game progresses. They will spend the first round buffing themselves so hit them with Stinking Cloud and see why it is so highly rated. If you have upgraded Tuskdale to a town, you can construct a Printing House for free. He does spam Magic Missile, however, but Shield keeps you safe. When they're dead, search a nearby chest for gold and the Ancestral Dwarven Shield. You have various choices for dealing with him. There are two slightly more powerful undead in this corridor: a Ferocious Skeletal Champion and another Nightmare Skeletal Champion Archer. There is a container with some gems and a hidden cache with the Cypress Queen's Goblet (1/5) among other things. Not scrolls. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. You do not start off in combat so you have an opportunity to both equip him and treat his wounds which are quite severe. One of the chests is a Mimic. You can continue waiting if you like, but nothing will happen. Outside in the square, a new merchant named Enneo the Travelling Merchant has set up shop. Return to the path and continue south. Vesket will charge him and be struck down. Head south towards the Skunk River. There is a trap at the bottom of the nearby stairs so don't go down there at this time. Besides a couple of composite bows and a Masterwork longsword, the loot they leave behind is frankly pitiful. "The law is with him", Valerie? The time passed will probably trigger the next throne room event. Continue further east where you will be attacked by six Giant Poisonous Frogs. Head west along the Skunk River and you will come to a crossing point. When you reach the junction that goes south to the Bridge Over the Gudrun River, head northeast instead. Sometimes being a goody-two-shoes doesn't pay off. If the player manages to rescue him from the trolls, he will assign the quest Guiding Beacon. It locks you out of something else shortly. Head down the path and meet a dog. Troll Lair, First floor (hidden floor . It doesn't sleep on a pile of gold, but there is a body in its lair with some fantastic loot: a Flaming Earth Breaker +2, the Taldan Whip (2/5), the Professor's Hat and an Extend Metamagic Rod. From the Ruined Watchtower, head southwest and cross the Murque River. An adult troll weighs around 1,000 pounds. Drops from Kobold Sniper (Guiding Beacon) in Troll Lair Depths. If you have a character able to cast Stinking Cloud, cast Delay Poison (Communal) on your party. Head back to the path and go east. You can then visit him after Season of Bloom, and he will have reset again. Continue north to face off against a dangerous group of enemies: a Branded Troll, three Trolls, a Kobold Boomsayer and a couple of Kobold Archers. The quest will be completed. After New Troll Sightings event if you visit Lone House you will find Bartholomew Delgado in his laboratory, attacked by several trolls, including Dimwit if he was not freed or killed. If you succeed at a Knowledge (Arcana) check, you will figure that it's an invisible creature controlling the child telepathically rather than a spirit possessing him. Use a Stinking Cloud on them if you have one to spare. Make a DC14 Mobility check to climb down. Go into the Clutch Hut next door and speak to Virish. Note that the Lawful Good response really does lead to no reward. You will meet up with the Guardian of the Bloom again. There is a group of elves a short distance to the northwest. They shouldn't cause you too much trouble, particularly if you blind them with Glitterdust. Ignore the door to the north for the moment and disable a trap slightly further along the corridor (DC21). Pathfinder Adventure: Troubles in Otari - Paizo You should have two relic sets (helmet shards and soot-blackened tools) to give to the Storyteller to receive the Trailblazer's Helm and a decent chunk of gold and XP. After you kill it, you can unlock a chest (DC28) containing a Noble Warhammer which is a +3 weapon. F-2. Lone House (Troll Invasion) - Pathfinder: Kingmaker - GameFAQs It is also stalked by four Venomhodags which are moderately nasty creatures. If you come here during the day. The Manticore is also manageable for a beefy main character but the Owlbear is too tough for you to manage and there's something even worse if you try to leave through the front gate. Stinking Cloud will disable out the mass of them. It will trigger the quest. The main quest will take us to this area shortly so backtrack past the Ruined Watchtower to the river. Smoulderburn has AC 33 so is a bit tricky to hit: True Strike, Inspire Courage and Blessing of the Faithful help. You can also recruit him as an advisor if you are able to select the "[Requires Neutral]" option. The ranger will join your group. Speak to Kagar and Tig who will leave to return to his mother. You will be reunited with your original party, so you don't have to make your way back to the capital alone. He should know how to end these scoundrels. When you defeat him, he will shift back to human form and you have to decide what to do with him. Invisibility or Stealth and Freedom of Movement together with Expeditious Retreat. Head across to Shaynih'a and she will give you a Spear Fragment to show to Storyteller back in your capital. You can get at least 5 Bags of Holding from Bartholomew, page 1 - Head to the tavern and you will find Jenna standing just to the left of the bar. You also have a bunch of items to sell to Storyteller in the throne room. Duke Dazzleflare isn't really any tougher than all the Ancient wisps you've been fighting up to this point. The house to the east belongs to Kaessi; go in there to update the Sorrowflow companion quest. This is not really a fair fight because Sinnet is much stronger than Valerie can possibly be by this stage. However, this benefits you not at all so I suggest you keep it. Click L3 to view the state of the barony and opt to buy some Build Points. Before asking about the fire-resistant trolls, ask what he is selling. One contains a suit of Chainmail +2 while the other contains minor loot. Return to your capital and speak to Jenna who is suitably grateful. The letter invites you to visit and unlocks a worthwhile project, Trade Agreement with Maegar Varn. Continue west to the next junction and then turn south towards the house of the mage that Dalton mentioned. He gives you the key to his laboratory and tells you to wait for him. The enemies don't drop loot worth a damn but there is a locked (DC30) chest to the south of them with a Light Shield +2. When you're ready for a fight, go into the back cave. You probably witnessed the "cleansing" he talks about. Continue round to a fallen tree leaning against the wall. Just south of them is a hidden chest with some minor loot. Quicksave and when you're ready, speak to Rismel, the figure standing by the portal. Head south down the path until you come across a group of eight Tatzylwyrms. You are told that you need to "Defeat the monsters" and "Get the key from the dungeon". You can get your fish back afterwards if you like. You should have six or seven days until you need to pay attention to an Ancient Curse and four or five days until Bokken's Alchemical Workshop is complete. Backtrack and head north, or follow the path along the shore of Candlemere and head east. Go there to confront the fool. The loot container in the corner holds an Ancient Cyclops Coin. Buff up before approaching the rift in the centre. To proceed, ask about the trolls and he will say that a troll was caught in one of his fire traps but was unharmed. He has some interesting stuff, but nothing that made me feel compelled to part with 1000s. Return to the previous room and unlock the other door. It seems that Ditael, another of Nazrielle's apprentices, has run off with the weapon that Nazrielle was crafting for you, initiating her artisan quest. Return to your throne room to close out the chapter. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour. Go down the slope west towards the shore. He is a rather sketchy individual, but agree to investigate anyway. 4. Proceed to the location. In the meantime, you may want to explore the Dire Narlmarches or venture into the first few levels of the Tenebrous Depths. Quicksave before entering and then have Linzi sing Inspire Competence. Follow the path northwest and you will arrive at Sorrowflow. At the same time, you will receive a visit from a potential artisan. He will ask for help in the battle against the troll. Gameplay [ edit] It will be called Troll Lair afterwards. You can loot Giant Spider Legs if you like; they're a cooking ingredient and quite valuable. When you enter you will be met by a lizardman named Kagar who mentions a "youngling". You can pick up an errand, Feather Tokens, there. Further along, you will fight an Ancient Will-o'-Wisp and two War Wisps. At the crossroads, head east again and cross over into the Kamelands where you will arrive at the Secluded Lodge. If you fancy taking on a powerful mid-boss, buy some cold iron weapons from Verdel. There is a doorway blocked by an energy field. Assign an advisor to the problem immediately, because ignoring the problem will wreck your barony before it's even properly started. By the way, do not forget to add the nearest region to your kingdom. Continue west to arrive back in the entrance. Examine it for various options. Afterwards, speak to Rismel. The Greater Trollhound has 150 HP and a howl that causes fear. Bartholomew comes across as a perfectly normal person for a wizard, but if the player explores his shed they can find out that he is performing brutal experiments on a captured troll named Dimwit to unlock the secret of regeneration and immortality. You have to find the Ruined Watchtower to the left of the fortress and go there. This is for later but there's something you might be able to do now. You will be thrown into battle immediately against a Giant Flytrap. Backtrack to the corridor where you fought the skeletons and follow it around. The Tremendous Centipede is weak compared to the monster beneath Old Sycamore. Head south and deal with a bear to your right. The first task you should see to is enroute to Tuskdale. Speak to him again and he will buy the coins, tokens and dog tags that you've picked up. Go all the way back round and head back downstairs. Continue west towards Verdant Chambers. You can try intimidating them (DC22) to get them to leave or, if you ask what they're doing, you can make a diplomacy check (DC28) to make a deal with them. There is another trap (DC21) in the room beyond. Continue to the northeast of the room where there is a pair of Trolls and a group of kobolds, including an always-annoying Boomsayer. I encountered a bug here: resting near the Dwarven Ruins does not appear to remove fatigue. Before you cross over into the Dire Narlmarches, you'll probably want to rest. The crates in the cart contain minor loot and supplies. Dragn Woradash is demanding compensation for use of the Shield Road which his clan used to manage. Backtrack and make your way east along the northern bank of the river. This is part of another relic set and another one you won't be completing for a good, long while. You have a number of ways to respond. Examine the ground nearby to find a Ring of Protection +1. - Online Campaigns - Kingmaker The Wererat Lair location is added to your map. Interact with it and you can detect magic and gain some XP if you succeed at a will check. Black Whip is a quest item in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. You can loot a large quantity of chocolate, honey and sweet syrup from the various containers. After the place has been made safe, search the hidden and trapped (DC22) panel in the northern wall to find a Headband of Inspired Wisdom +2. A short distance to the right of Bartholomew is a hidden cache containing a Dwarven Helm Shard (4/10). If you use my Valerie build, she has True Strike, Mirror Image, Displacement and Dragon Breath (which is quite effective). Continue east and when the path forks, turn southeast towards Lake Silverstep Village and go in. When it's defeated, search the various containers for an Amulet of Natural Armor +1 and minor loot. By now the enemies you'll face will be fairly easy. Go across to the other side of the village where you'll find two Lizardfolk, Tassath and Shalur, near a vegetable patch, arguing. Therefore, you have to get into melee range so that he attacks, walk away (and eat the attack of opportunity) and so on until he stands on the sunlit spot. Nice thing for a mother to say but it gives you an idea as to where to look. Equip it on anyone able to use it right away. Select "Search for traces of the campers" for a Perception check (DC20) to hear screams from the east. The two bodies in front of the tree only have minor loot. If you recruited Nazrielle, her apprentice, Sartayne, will appear to offer an apology. A hidden nook in the floor contains a Torag's Pendant and scroll of Fireball. The next time you level up an advisor, make sure it's the Treasurer; otherwise you don't receive bonus BP for your ranks in other areas.

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