They will be offered the same status as Princess Annes title-free son, Peter Phillips.. Nick believes that William will be the monarch to inherit Elizabeths crown, and this could well happen in late 2007 or 2008. Of course bluff King Hal was a spare, eventually taking the throne after the earlier death of his gentle, learned brother Arthur. Mercury is in Capricorn the sign ruling the men at the top so Charles is one of them. The rules on primogeniture were changed (too late for Anne) but perhaps they can and will go further. It feels validating to see others sharing similar perspectives. One of the reasons Ive never married is the vows; if someone needs the fear of God to motivate them in making pretty basic promises to someone they supposedly want to spend the rest of their life with, then thats not a good omen. Thank you Jessica. Yes, I have seen the allegations that Meghan Markle, at that time, an actress, was a yacht girl. We are back at Lambeth Palace again. Foreign countries Again, this is about power. He works for So I think in order to preserve their family George, Charlotte and Louis will be given a choice as to whether or not they want to be in the line of succession. Specify the coordinates of the birth location. I heard mention of a stroke sadly. But I was looking around and the King was looking at me. And so to the future .Close to March 24th, 2023, Pluto will move to 0 Aquarius for the first time in around 248 years. Each and every one of the subscribers contributing here is putting a small piece in the puzzle to what really might be going on, and will in the fullness of time trickle down even to my cul the sac. It did seem odd at the time that they didnt go to the States. Or did they have another, pagan, bond with the Universe? Maybe the therapist did and was ignored. Thank you. Significant more so, because I then glanced at the TV that was running in the background, and there was a still of Princess Diana. Hes always banging on/going to court about security. Thank you Becky that is really kind of you to say. Also, Lady C on YT yesterday related the Getty familys (financial) concerns over MM new friendship with 89 year old Gordon Getty, well known for his generosity. At 1:08 she speaks about the numerology regarding the date of her death. The excitement of Russian America, or American Russia, ends. If so, standard advice is to get in the well of the car. Odd that Vladimir is such an easy name to remember but not for H seemingly. I expect that once it was found out that Bertie, George v and Queen Mary were determined to make her a Royal bride, her parents made sure that she didnt elope with James Stuart. Presumably because her parents forced her, she said yes on his third attempt. Perhaps she secretly did, maybe under another name. Thank you so much. Your Cleopatra line of thought is very much about that. Perhaps the family tree needs to be tended or amended; pruned or helped to rejuvenate. We are owed trust. Since joining One Direction in 2010, Styles, along with bandmates Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne and Louis Tomlinson, have released three commercially successful albums, performed on a worldwide tour, and won several awards, including two BRIT Awards and four MTV Video Music Awards. Just an attack. Also, Pluto is nearing conjunction to my Mercury and an opposition to my moon and Uranus will be coming into conjunction with my SN. Does this even make sense. In my dream I arrive at Buckingham Palace. Im hooked between your questioning, astrology, historic research, psychic thoughts and the public writing in to you with their contributions. Caroline. He has been pulled up in the press before for mean/thoughtless tweets. "Harry is an air sign king. The Church of Englands rules are: marriage can only happen with two witnesses present. Peace is an interesting notion, given the complete lack of peace in the horoscopes in March. This is especially true in the United Kingdom where working people pay tax to support the monarchy. Had I seen that as a potential buyer, I think I would have reversed quickly out of the driveway! What was also incredibly clear was an image of a woman looking over the family. I thought I had worked out the time zones-I am 3 hours behind you at present & posted one comment above at 11am my time, recorded at 2pm yours. Its not over. It all feels so manufactured, like a storyboard for The Crown. I need to go and look at the charts. Was there any relations between them? H must know this so why do it? We dont know if the vows were photographed, but they must have been signed, because Meghan told Oprah Winfrey they were decorating their wall. HARRY STYLES VEDIC ASTROLOGY CHART + FUTURE PREDICTIONS By - YouTube Perhaps its not Russia. It is such a small world isnt it? Customer Care 1 866 999 9091 SIGN IN Later on, from the second week of February it gels. It was originally diamonds hung with pearls. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle break up? Psychic predicts a "rift" in Apple TV. Harry is definitely motivated by money and he will do and say ANYTHING to get it. Gardening and nature are also Virgo and suit his chart. It is still dreadfully upsetting and my heart goes out to Harry and William for having to relive it all again with the book. Michael Hastings seemed to have no interest in any claims to the throne and it was all so long ago, but perhaps karma has been activated, in some way, in regard to current events. The omissions in Spare, which goes into great detail about perfume, cologne and cosmetics but not about the details of the new American life are interesting. My friend Penny Thornton, who was one of Dianas three astrologers, has predicted Harry and William will reconcile one day. The annoying answer to much of this is that we dont know. Getty "And when I looked at the energy between them, she was doing a lot of acting but he was as pale as a ghost. Thank you. The timing of Spare on Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn and Mars Retrograde in Gemini is typical of books which are uncorrected first editions, so the second edition will be quite different. Weve not had Pluto in Aquarius in our lifetime and this really is the cycle of the French Revolution and the Regency, so its fascinating to have it all online. Also apparently not doing the coronation. My friend Sarah Vine at the Daily Mail thinks so. Yes. At least we all know we are being presented with an artificial narrative now, right down to the costume department. The silence on Williams family was really because it takes five charts to give a proper answer! Things do resurface of course. A posting on Facebook fan page [1] gives for all members of the band "One Direction: Their Exact Birth Information Harry: February 1 .. 1994 AT 12:06 a.m. .. 9.31 Pounds", Sy Scholfield quotes place of birth of Redditch from his father (Des Styles) in a Tweet and as quoted in a news report: [2] [3]. I happened by fluke upon a YouTube Video ( of a NBS USA TV Feature by journalist Ann Curry airing secret videos of Princess Diana speaking to her speech coach Peter Settelen in 1992 (any eclipses as coverups?). Meghan has performed in identical or near-identical iconic outfits favoured by both. Not The Mail or The Sun. One thing confuses me though if Harrys marriage was a way of removing him from the Royal Family ( which I think it was) and Andrews plight was to discredit him, how does that destabilise the Monarchy. So it would have been another Russia connection! Harry Styles' first word was Cat. There are many predictions that William will be the last King of England. Neptune in Harrys chart demonstrating unreality, Meghan performing being part of the unreality, its just so so interesting. I dont think thats what they want anyway. All you need to is then pay trolls to whip up controversy online and you have the Moonbump story. Charles doesnt deserve to be rewarded with the crown. Id not seen this. And hes in that sort of cycle. An eclipse is historically what or who is obscured, concealed and hidden in plain sight. Other coincidences besides Harrys facial similarity to Henry VIII are the fact that Henry was initially the spare. Eclipse blind spots. I find it interesting that in Chapter 1 of this version, (Genesis) at verse 26-27, we find the words, quote: Its where they had sex. Allegedly they were legally married in a secret civil ceremony on 16th August in Los Angeles. May be I need the distraction and this taps into my anger. Apparently there was a lot of criticism and hilarious memes about Harry. Welcome the Wars of the Roses folks! Now, it may be that the axe will finally fall on the monarchy and England will become a republic in 2008 when Pluto enters Capricorn, the sign of the Establishment, and both Saturn and Uranus will pick all-important degree areas on the 1649 execution chart. Discover harry styles astrology prediction 's popular videos | TikTok Welby has supported her. On a personal level I get a visceral deep clench in my stomach every time I see a photo or headline of MM. The Full Moon Eclipse in Leo on January 21st 2019, happened a week later. Having read your blog for some time, I feel we are seeing the transition of pluto into aquarius in real time. When Charles and Camilla got married her status as a divorced woman etc meant that he as heir to the throne couldnt marry her so the attorney general had to look into the legal loop holes to allow the wedding to go ahead. She was also, according to the net, baptised by Justin Welby into the Church of England. I tried pulling a tarot card for both Prince William and Prince Harry and I got the Knight of Cups, so Im hoping that means that perhaps one of them will make the journey to rescue the other? If so they are using it as part of a disruption strategy. Some readers question if Lady Colin Campbell is not a Trojan Horse, which would be too strange for words, but in 2023, anything is possible I guess. I was wondering if that could be the issue for the Church? There is a great possibility that after the demise of Queen Elizabeth II or her retirement Prince Harry's father Prince Charles will become the King of this monarchy and he will then pursue his son Harry to come back to the royal family. The living history discussion continues. There is a distinct lack of true compassion for individuals and also a lack of dignity but an expectation he is entitled to it. It would be historic (it can only happen once in your adult life). EF. How? Id be furious in the same situation- but also extremely worried. empty streeets ,oh how the mighty shall fall. Yet. If Harry has been privy to information of underhanded dealings I fear for him much and all as I consider his behaviour since decamping to Montecito to be pretty disgraceful . I have so many questions about Harry and Meghan, as well as Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell, just based on those Leo eclipses. I just hope that relationship with Meghan lasts because it will be the only one he will have left. Cheers, The website says that Mary Boleyn was the sister of King Henry VIIIs second wife, the infamous Anne Boleyn. I just had another reader submit a possible reason why, but I cant publish it unfortunately. Mars is the Roman god of war, as you know. and at the entrance thereof chanteth Her song: In the beginning, before the Lord made the Earth I also have no doubt that Markle will get what she deserves eventually. As for the Harry and Meghan meeting story, yes it changed. Leo, ha! The Duke of Sussex gave Russian hoaxers his email and phone number and even rang them back on his mobile, it has been claimed. I always thought Diana writing the book with Andrew Morton was a turning point and I personally felt that it should not have been published written yes to help with her therapy but published no. Perhaps Prince Harry will indeed be the Prodigal Son, back home to England, with open arms waiting, Cait. Could Charles be the secret father of Camillas child or children? Just another little dig at the world by M. Thank you. You can predict strain. It doesnt matter what they are like in the family circle. Massive. Whatever it means, it meant to me some sort of US connection. And what is the deal with the bridesmaids dresses. I have seen some of the clips from interviews and Im horrified by what I see psychically when I see Hs face. The later Kings, Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII and George VI were usually shown not wearing a crown but a crown image was placed somewhere on the stamp, often hovering above the Kings head. Hello Jessica, He and his wife claim to be all about sensitivity, equality etc.But dehumanizing those he killed, runs contrary to their supposed stance. Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's Relationship Isn't "Smooth-Sailing," But "They Are Certainly in Love," Astrologer and Body Language Expert Says. That single fact should be enough to make people question what is going on. Also, intriguingly, in 1820 when Uranus and Neptune were previously in conjunction and in the sign of Capricorn another Prince of Wales very nearly brought down the monarchy. I wonder what the astrology says about the old ArchBish being able to stick it out that long, and if he does, the consequences for the Church of England and the Monarchy? Some people questioned this but found their objections did not get any traction. I recently came across an article that M is a project of the Chinese special services, it was a retelling of an interview with a retired employee. Army barracks Whilst we have only yet seen extracts from the text, JR Moehringer may well have represented Harrys voice with outstanding accuracy, including confusion, memory lapses, dysregulated emotions etc. This is what all the psychics are picking up. What has happened to Prince Harry is so different. Well, Julie, he has been well and truly snookered with two children to support so they have him in a corner, financially. Really interesting article Jessica as always. Lost everything. Photographer spend hours editing to get the best angle that they caught that portrays frailty best because sometimes its so hard to get a pic to portray what was really there. This is something very new. Its a fair question. I think he hates Will nuts and best way to get to him and hurt him is by taking it out on Kate. Have you seen the article in the Mail online about Meghan and Clevr? I tend to take things at face value and dont look deeper. Astrological forecast about Prince Harry and Meghan's future Now that is interesting, given that this goes back exactly to the last South Node in Libra cycle. I saw the Arab Leaugue being mentioned in a few of the comments. Having just finally read Spare I have to say, why? I have hesitated to mention the following, as I realise it is not evidence, but possibly it is grist to your psychic mill. I had a dream. It left me wondering about the danger of a stroke for King Charles with the blame being stress of family tensions. Roll on March. Every psychic and medium I know believes she was unlawfully killed (which the court agreed) but not as weve been told. It is very likely you have Gemini factors in your Third House of siblings, and/or your sister does. I note what you say about the Russia/China/Commonwealth connection and I was deeply shocked to discover just a few minutes ago, that South Africa, my country of birth, and a member of the Commonwealth, is allowing Russia to use its seas for naval drills. Im psychic too and dont do enough with it but Spirit are calling me back to doing light work again. Not only did Angie foresee "another big" album from Harry, but she also predicted that his new film endeavor . I think that maybe she has moulded herself on Diana knowing that would attract Harry, but its like she is playing a role and its not real, shes not real. You are on the money about Harry and Andrew being targets. (See my reply to Janie Bee with a list of Leo eclipses). The battle royal that is coming will be about same-sex Holy Matrimony and what a valid wedding is. As to the end game, I am afraid there is something very dark here. More recently, Stormzy rowed with staff at Heathrow Airport over a passport issue which apparently stopped him boarding a flight to the World Cup. An eclipse is always a cover-up. Prince Harrys astrological chart chimes with some key dates in the ongoing narrative about race in the United Kingdom. Please do tag me on Twitter; I appreciate it. The Tarot is a good guide. I need to find out the truth about the emerald tiara that Meghan allegedly asked to borrow from Her Majesty for the wedding. Thank you for your reply Jessica. We have the actress. Hi Jessica Now, how to set it to rights? I can only comment on the astrology. Why seal legal advice if there are no issues? In the years leading up to her death she had been desperate to reconnect with Charles who only a few years before dumped her for being too needy. With reference to this interesting conversation, its been eye opening to learn about the astrology teaching and informing us of events and themes. Im still waiting for the media to wake up and realise the three times Prince Harry fails to mention Russian names in his book. Can you look at my chart, please? hi Jessica, I havent read Spare yet or even seen Harrys Interviews but I am also a professional astrologer and psychic and I admire your work. She met the lover who slightly resembles Harry, years away from the pregnancy. Oh dearthis is turning into the perfect storm, not exactly a storm in a teacup! The predominance of Air signs in your chart favours and amplifies your taste for relations and for all kinds of short trips, whether real (travels) or symbolic (new ideas, mind speculations). Astrology cannot predict death, of course - and never should - but it does predict changes to the currency. Ive not looked at the chart for the Queen Mother for a long time, but it is on my list of things to do. Its fascinating, isnt it? This was published on 9th May 2018, days before the wedding. Jessica, I understand how busy you are but could I ask I am a Virgo sun (18/9/68 6.30 am in Hobart) with stelliums in Scorpio (8), Virgo (6), Libra (5) and Aries (4). The other baby brother spare would eventually become Richard III after Edwards own death & who declared Edwards sons (the Princes in the Tower) illegitimate thus making himself King. You wrote that youve read Spare: does Harry really casually mentions the 25 Talibans? Thank you for the replies and predictions (now unfolding) Is The Arab League involved in the Andrew and Harry story? Pretty interesting. I do agree about Lady C, I do find myself liking her, and her dogs. Their engagement was announced in January 1923 and they married in April of the same year. Thanks so much for your insight and replyI know youve probably got a big queue on this one. Thanks. Interesting that the notion of disestablishment was mentioned- even in the negative. Williams pain seems private. Eclipses always hide the facts from the public and this was an epic string of eclipses in Leo, the royal sign (and a sign which dominates the charts of the whole family Meghan herself being a Leo). He made his debut as a singer with his band White Eskimo, who performed locally in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England. Being mindful of the internet gossip/fiction industry surrounding M&H of course. Anyway, I think that there is some hope that he will be welcomed back into the fold, if/when Meghan gives him the shove. He was born with Uranus at 9 Sagittarius. March will be very interesting indeed. You also ask a good question about the 100 million Welby has promised for slave trade reparation by the Church of England. Wow. Thats the thing about eclipses, we will never know. Im sorry you feel strongly about Meghan and Harry but completely understand. Murdoch actually mirrors the monarchy. Still, it is sensible to be sharply aware of what you are inviting (or whom you are inviting) into your life from the final week of March. And American Russia. The wedding itself changed venue; it was then postponed upon the death of Pope John Paul II. I agree that there is danger here. It goes on that in order to avoid repeating the empty seat embarrassment of his UN talk in New York, tickets to be reduced/ made free just to fill up. The pen is yet again handed to the Queen, who shakes her head. Food for thought! Something tells me theres more to come with other Pluto types and so I will continue to heed this guidance. Could he even be blackmailed by threat of worse secrets/smears to come out? Also as you reminded us, Mercury is retrograde. Belt off. Anger? Things are moving as rapidly as they did in the days of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Thank you for your fascinating insights into world affairs you have a truly awesome grip on these subjects. Ive predicted several times now that Charles and Camilla will not rule. The moral conflict between Charles and Harry may have got bogged down amongst other causes (Dianas death; Charles and Camilla getting married etc.) Approach towards love, romance and life in general is not encouraging. Keep up your amazing work:)). The Independent UK has an article dated 18th April 2009 entitled The jousting accident that turned Henry VIII into a tyrant. I only have to look at Putins, Trumps and Markles eyes to experience a dreadful sick feeling of evil. I love this blog about Spare because, as youve said, its a piece of history in itself. Thank you Jessica, as always, for your accurate observations and comments. The full legal advice was then sealed. After years of animosity Diana confronted her father and stepmother for their bad behaviour and for treating her mother Frances so poorly and Diana became so violently enraged she pushed her stepmother down the stairs. Big drops of rain started falling and it got cold very quickly. Wikipedia describes Riven Rock as a residential subdivision in the unincorporated area of Montecito, California. I find it fascinating that Spare makes no reference at all to the huge Russian-American story that the astrology chart shows. At the time that he and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon were courting, Bertie was having an affair with Lady Sheila Loughborough, a married woman and one of your compatriots. What zodiac is Voldemort? It is the same astrological cycle. Why did he and Meghan smear his family with an inference of racism when Prince Philip was in the last weeks of his life, in his second hospital? I also find it interesting that Harry has walked back his comment about racism within the Royal family regarding Archies skin. Writing in Spare, the only Royal autobiography to enter the Guinness Book of World Records, Prince Harry states that Meghan was set to wear Dianas tiara, lent by his aunts, Dianas sisters. No evidence. I am fascinated by this moonbump question. Thats the Aries-Libra node cycle, and being Libra, it concerns marriage and weddings. Hi Jessica, this feature has generated a lot of comments and surprisingly didnt create the polarization one would expect when reading about the Royal Family; it is a testament to your approach of clarity and fairness in every aspect of your features driven by your expertise in interpreting astrological charts of people and places/countries. Actually, Andrew and Harry are part of the same eclipse pattern; they were both left in the dark.

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