Slums in the movie were huge and they were like in a surface. We can see that Salim (the brother of Jamal) became a gangster. He was abandoned at birth in the clothing bin of a Catholic church in Delhi, and raised for eight years by a benevolent English priest named Father Timothy. Who were the people who killed Jamal's mother? This is because the government doesnt know how to manage the money and lots of politicians steal it as the corruption increases in the country. In that context, "it is written" is similar in meaning to "it is fated" or "it is destiny". At that time, the early to mid-1990s, riots and fighting between Hindus and Muslims was rampant in the so-called Bombay Riots. but since this year theres a program called El Ultimo Pasajero (the last passenger) and this game consist in the competition for 3 schools, each representing a team from a random color (Red, Green or Blue), which compete between to win a vacation trip. This lack of values is what becomes in worse things like illegal work, frauds, gangs, stealing, etc. Actually, his poverty made him rich; its pretty ironic. But also represents some type of brainwashing or mental control because it makes people stop think on their reality and just watch crap on Television. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? I think the government is the only one that can solve this problem. The principal similarity of them is the people. User Ratings represents a hope, a chance to escape from their reality, if you became Millionarie why you wanna stay on the Slum? Salim raped Latika the night that he and Jamal rescued her from Maman. The image of the boy covered in feces but holding a perfectly pristine photograph to be autographed is striking in the contrast between shiny Bollywood celebrity worship and a young slumdog literally covered in poop. It is that the money is blood money, like the money that he earned with working for Javed and because all the murders and robberies. She then reveals herself to be Gudiya, from the chawl, whose father had suffered only a broken leg when Ram pushed him from the balcony, and who had stopped raping Gudiya after his fall.Gudiya gets him his prize money, Ram marries Nita, Salim becomes a movie star, and the crippled children are liberated from their imprisonment.In the movie, Jamal never carries a gun and never shoots or threatens anybody. Also, we have this problem of a lot of percentage of poor people because we hace persons that are extremly rich and others that are extreamly poor, so is not balanced. So the title is how a poor person (slumdog) becomes a millionaire one and change his entire life. We can see this in Lima, because the people is so prejudiced that they discriminate other people. Why does Salim let Latika go? - The older boy leads an escape, Salim in the movie, Ram in the book.There is more on-screen violence in the movie than in the book. This fulfills Salim's desire to be the alpha-male and a rivalry between Salim and Jamal/Latika is developed through a series of events. But even with schools, children dont assist to them because they are working to get something to eat for their family. If You're a Bath Person, This Simple Tub Hack Will Make Your Hot Soaks They recognized each other, Maman gave chase, and Salim escaped again, onto a bus which was later stopped by a Hindu mob intent on killing all the Muslims on the bus. (6) For 2,500,000 rupees: Who invented the revolver? We could avoid that by creating a project where people from other cities feel comfortable with what they have rather than expecting a better life in the well-known city. What are the causes of this phenomena? Salim wanted to gie because he regrets his actions. Although Pinto was born and raised in Mumbai, she is best known for her roles in various British and American films. Slumdog Millionaire | Slumdog Millionaire Comparing Limas slums with Munbais slums The government has another problem because they mostly spend the money for useless things like buying too much arms because they are preparing the country for a possible war. Like the hero of the Oscar-winning film, Sushil Kumar used his wits to win a fortune - but one year on, his life has changed only a little. Well, the destiny was a really important theme in the movie, because the caste system says that if you born in a slum you are destined to be a super poor guy, without chance to be someone in live, but in the movie, we see that Jamal Malik goes again that law and finish being someone. I enjoyed reading your thoughtful contribution Jean External Reviews Nice, you actually have something constructive to say about the problem. Slumdog Millionaire won the 2009 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture. Edit, Song and dance sequences are very common in Bollywood movies to portray feelings of love, happiness, or other emotions. A slumdog is a poor man with almost no opportunities to progress, so he/she cant be rich. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? Most of the times we have money and do not know what to do with it, and the best thing to do is use to help others. (2) For 4,000 rupees: A picture of three lions is seen in the national emblem of India. Maman drops a bunch of coins on the ground and tells Salim to disappear with Jamal and forget the whole thing. Why did Salim fill the bathtub with money? However, this time, Salim is older, tougher, and intent on revenge. Jamal came from slums of Mumbai and became a millionaire on the game show. The last think is that we cant solve this problem because we have no power in the country, but the person who can solve this problem is the president, like he is right now but he started in the other parts of Peru and then he is going to pass to Lima and he will solve problem. contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? First, if the children were well educated the wouldnt have the mentality to steal thing for survive, they will look for a job to earn money and keep studing to get a better job and have a good life. It is very difficult to survive in this type of problem because they do not have much money to eat, always have to be attached to someone, because you can be in the cap to survive. We should raise funds to bring education to little kids, so in the future they could get out of the poverty circle. While Jamal wants to find her, Salim insists, "I don't give a shit about her." Migration into the city continues to grow at exponential rates each year. Since his brother had gone so far at Who wants to be a millionare? TV show just for Latika, the only thing he could do was letting Latika and his brother to be together. Salim shoots Maman when the two of them encounter him together. Awards Immediately after the dance scene, the gang erupts into the empty train station and slaughters Jamal and Latika. The title is Slumdog Millionaire, in this title there are two opposite terms, and they describe to really different lifestyles. First: Salim Malik makes the decision of filled up the bathtub with all Javed money, because he want a redemption because from the beginning of his life, he always wanted to be rich, and at the end, he want to know that he was going to die, like he always want, rich. During his entire life, Jamal Malik crossed through many difficulties but he could get through them and find a high live condition. The History of the Bathtub - Old House Journal Magazine "You're a sweet boy, Jamal," says Latika, taking the towel and going back in the bathroom. And this explanation is the biggest part in the movie. Its your ticket off the reality. The differences are that in India there are confrontations because of the different religions that fight each other, in Peru they fight because of the differences between soccer teams. Jamal's interrogation is conducted by the police, before, not after, the last question. Answering to the first question, the title refers to change. Salim does the shooting. Forget about her.". The first question says, what does the title mean? As a result, there has been a disproportionate rise of slums and overcrowing in the city. Cast ironthe all-purpose material of the Victorian erahad been poured into sinks and lavatories since the late 1850s, and by 1867 the famous J.L. We only see his left eye in the frame, just after he has blinded a young boy to make him a more valuable beggar. Javed is shown as the local don of the slum where Salim and Jamal spend their childhood. Why does Salim kill himself in Slumdog Millionaire? Salim is not convinced, however, and shoots Maman. Well slums in lima arent too different from India, I think its the same only that here there arent a lot of slums in lima because the population in lima I think is around 8 or 9 million people but in this city Mumbai there are 20.5 million of people. its no so different to Peru a country were every child who disserves education and doesnt have it is been forced to work even he dont want to, then we can see political when we dont respect other Peruvians just because they doesnt speak like us or wear like us is exclusion of the greatest of been Peruvian and finally social we can see of this in whole world were Peru is just open for lima and their peoples dont know another city, lima is a city which is open of problem like robbing, violence and drugs that we can see. Known by the name of "Cherry," it is implied that Latika has been kept a virgin to increase her value for her eventual sale into prostitution. In Peru, there is a very notable difference between the number of rich and poor people, that causes lots of society problems like for example discrimination between the different social classes. The producers, director, and writer are not Indian. Where did Jamal get the $100 bill to give to Arvind? She doesn't know the answer either, but Jamal is more interested in knowing how she is doing and where she is before the call is cut off. ", Jamal tells the policemen that Latika is the most beautiful woman in the world, and when the older one makes a joke about her being a "slum bitch," Jamal attacks him angrily. What Another important difference between both slums is that while Indian slums are in a constant religion war, here religions are not so varied and this negates the possibilities of having these conflicts. Four answer choices are presented: (A) He cheated, (B) He's lucky, (C) He's a genius, and (D) It is written. Everything must be aimed at improving the quality of life, to try to reduce malnutrition in children, to seek incentives to improve their income. His life has often been referred to as a true rags to riches story. How are those who have money and power glamorized in this film? A scene that was particularly interesting and true to the theme of redemption was Salim's death . Who did the music for Slumdog Millionaire? - He knows that if he didn't go now, there was trouble waiting for him so he chose to lay in a bathtub full of money because that's the way he wanted to go. Indian and Lima slums are not so different since both are poor and are located outside the city. In the show Who wants to be a millionaire, all the questions they asked him, were important moments in his life, but he didnt have the last answer of the the last question: who is the third musketeer, he used his last lifeline in calling his brother, but Latika answered the call. and in long term I think that we need to make our country grow so there are going to be more job opportunities and also the banks are helping them by giving them money to run out a business and also upgraded the nationals schools so these people can have a good education and maybe enter to universities if they study hard enough so if we do this in a few years we are going to see less poor children on the streets asking for money. I believe there is a relation between the title and the movie, because the title is SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE and it deals with the surprise somone gets when he sees that a slumdug has become a millionaire. And the way Jamal continues his life honestly and working to survive. Long-term? And Salim make that decision, because for one time on his life, he want to make something good saving Latika from Javed, and giving his brother Jamal, the life he deserves with Latika, as he always want since he was a child and he abandoned with Maman on the camp. Use a high-quality bubble bath product. In the final scene, Jamal meets Latika in a train station where they share a kiss. Why Did Salim Fill The Bathtub With Money? In Lima, near the school and near my house there is a slum called Manchay, where people dont have money to make houses. In addition, we can say that Salim wanted to stop working with the Indian mob, but didnt know how, so the only option was to sacrifice himself. Its heavily implied but never confirmed that the reason why Salim wanted Jamal out of the room was because that he wanted Latika. The title and the contrast in this movie means how a poor man pass to be rich with a simple TV program, Slum means like a very poor zone and is like a young population that don`t have a lot of money, so I think that went the title talk about slum is about Jamal, how with a simple TV program How wants to be a millionaire and in one night or one day he turn to be a millionaire. If they want to sell something in order to avoid stealing, they would need a small place to put the stuff; otherwise, they wouldnt sell too many things. Second: When you turn on the hose, water fills the bladder, sealing it against the pipe. This means exactly what the film is about. The imagery shows just how dangerous and menacing Maman is. Because here in Peru we have a commercial product equivalent to Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Nightmare in the movie: In the movie yes it present because like Lima and Mumbai the city is very poor, there are slums, child traffic, etc. (A) Surdas, (B) Tulsidas, (C) Mira Bai, or (D) Kabir. This film originated in the UK, and its funding comes primarily from the UK. *there's a lot of garbage. Is this a sign of progress? Salim makes the choice of putting all the money of Javed in the bathtub and then get into the bathtub him too, to shoot and kill Javed because he knowed that if Javed was dead he will no longer search for Latika or Jamal so they could be free. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? His belief in his own desire gives wings to his wants in a way that approaches something magical or divine. 1st question. What do you think should be done about this problem? The goverment might have to do something, like starting to give education to his children so they will have another mentality and they wouldnt steal, they would look for a job. Also, there's an old saying. What does the title mean? By the time pass, that friendship turns to strong loop of love. For Jamal, destiny is not simply what happens to you, but a more complicated confluence of events and occurrences with actions one takes. he asks, and tells him that he had to leave the hotel all those years ago because Maman's men were searching for him. Despite you dont think it, most of the situations in india also happen in Per. Poor people live in slums, and slums are no place to live, so to solve this problem, we need to end poverty, not only in Lima or Mumbai, in the world. Thats why this movie is a kind of fight against destiny, as we watched in the movie. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. This is one of the purposes of the movie. He also takes that decision for do something good in his life for redeem his self and help his brother because he knows that his brother never give up. By slowing down the images of the memories, Boyle invites the viewer into Jamal's interior life. He then gives Jamal the wrong answer written on the mirror in the rest room. (A) George Washington, (B) Franklin Roosevelt, (C) Benjamin Franklin, or (D) Abraham Lincoln. In the movie slumdog millionaire first the social exclusion in were a country is divided in two the first of the rich people with no problem, but doesnt accept the reality of his own country that is the misery in were people doesnt have education like is said in this movie, then we can see economic isolation on the ways of survive of the people like stealing or in the case of Jamal and salim selling fake tours to the taj mahal and finally the political exclusion, if we see the show who wants to be a millionaire the presenter is a rich and famous person and people from the slums are used like slaves in case of latika exploited by a person who wants to sell her because she were virgin *the bathrooms are a small wooden box that goes into the river. Also the slums are not as big as in India. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. The answer is Gandhi. The imagery lets us know that we are not in the present time, but the past, and that the images being portrayed are ones that haunt Jamal's psyche. This is ridiculous because there isnt going to start any war in Peru. In an attempt to prove his innocence, Jamal relates his life story, concentrating on the experiences that describe how he came to know the answers to each of the quiz questions. In India there is a piramide wich explain the 5 categories of a person based on their money and job, In the movie as much as in real life this actually occurs, so marked, so strong that we do not even see what happen to people who are below us, or do you see in the news that a slumdog found a new cure to the diabetes and actually he really founded, no we dont see that, And what only is attracted to the media is when a person gives to a charity a good quantity of money. Why did Salim leave Jamal? Edit, Slumdog Millionaire is based on the bestselling novel Q and A by Indian diplomat Vikas Swarup. This is a dirty game and mental emotional psychological which keep people in a state of painful illusion. Edit. They do have houses, but these houses cant be really called like such. They live with houses of a very bad material like cardboard. In change, his brother has taken a different live with more order and responsibility. Salim's death. With a few simple steps you can change your Netflix region to a country like Argentina and start watching Argentine Netflix, which includes Slumdog Millionaire. We see the game show In Lima also we didnt have gave a good formation to the poor children, that is why the poor children steal things. And the only way to let that happen was to release Latika from the gangster who he worked with. So, what does the tittle means? I think that the causes of this problem is that the bad organization of the states, because many people are indifferent about these problems, and also another factor is the overpopulation, because with this problem the state needs more food and more places of work, and this bring us again to the other point that is the bad organization of the state, the bad distribution of the lands and the necessity of more food. In my oponion, the cause of this phenomena is the migration. Edit, Jamal got the $100 bill from the American tourists who had their car stripped a few scenes earlier. Rahman with contributions by M.I.A., was released exclusively on iTunes in November 2008. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. They see they need of surviving and start to work in streets to give some little thing to their families. Besides environmental, health and social conditions the main causes of slums in the cities are people having more children than they can afford to, then child labour which relates a lot with the first reason and if the children have to work they cant have a good quality education which makes them uneducated and when they grow up they have more children than they can afford to and the hole cycle starts over. When Jamal beats on the door, Salim opens it and points the gun at Jamal's head, threatening to shoot him. How do their choices affect their respective paths in life or destinies? Odds of winning this lottery are almost zero but just as are excited this way, people with the remote possibility of winning. He makes this choice because he realizes that he has done a lot of damage to his brother and he wants to fix it sacrificing himself and killing all the men that were entering the room and then dying. In this case im going to talk about the famous show called l ltimo pasajero. Child trafficking and drugs are still a menace to which such poor people, most times forgotten by law and police, have no defense at all. This phenomenon appears because the government dont care about poor people then say that they care about but thats a lie. "So, did you see them again?" Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. I took it to mean that he was guilting her into being his girlfriend, or more likely, *ahem* "girlfriend", meaning that they did something that would legally be consensual but ethically or philosophically could have been sexual rape. Jamal stalls, before saying the correct answer, Benjamin Franklin. and every school of every place can participate (f course the ones who participate are people from 5th secondary). So the contrast between a slum dog and a millionaire is shocking because it is the completely opposite thing so it causes confusion and makes you want to see why the movie is called like that.

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