Because pleasure and enjoyment are what you expect from one another, deeper more intimate issues and responsibilities may be avoided or glossed over. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. You are more able than most couples to persevere together and maintain a comfortable level of energy and chemistry. As a couple, you project an open-minded, fun-loving, and adventurous image. The energy of this relationship is apparent right from the start. With this placement, there is a propensity for resentment. Partners are actively involved in social structures, whose activities are in one way or another related to financial issues. When transit Saturn is in the composite 8th house, you may struggle with your emotional bonds and intimacy in the relationship. Both might eventually find that maintaining the relationship is draining. You take your ability to earn an income and provide for yourselves as a couple seriously, and hard work is something you both consider necessary. In the fifth house of creativity, and self-expression through mediums, such as, romantic relationships, child rearing, and art, Saturn's realism and overwhelming sense of practicality can put quite a damper on things. A possible solution for this position if it is found to be a challenging one is to spend some time apart periodically so that you dont burn each other out and it can feel fresh again. Issues of possessiveness, jealousy, attachment, and intimacy are faced almost on a daily basis. This house represents the part of your relationship that feels restrictive and burdensome. With this placement, there is a deep, almost unconscious belief that each of you need the other to feel complete. In fact, you feel a strong sense of purpose as a couple. What are some CRAZY synastry aspects you've had with someone else? You project a practical and reliable image. Composite Moon in the 4th House. They are felt unconsciously as vague feelings. We offer a Couples Report based on the composite chart. However, it also has the potential to bring new life into your life by ending what no longer works for you emotionally or spiritually. Shorts cuts only lead to future suffering. By understanding the propensity for these manifestations of Saturn in the fourth house, you can consciously work to avoid falling into their negative traps. Saturn in 8th House Synastry - Astrology School Your communications with one another can be very animated and even heated. Kindness and good humor dominate the energies of this relationship. You may both feel uneasy about how you appear to others as a couple, or you may each feel uneasy about your individual self-expression when you are together. house indicates you may be very insecure in your relationship with. You pour a lot of energy into building and maintaining your connection. Not the most reliable couple around, you dont like to be bound by schedules and rules. The Composite 8th House in Astrology It brings a deep interest in the matters ruled by the 8th house. Composite Houses : The Social Cluster, Houses 9, 10, 11 - The Inner Wheel Saturn in the third house of a composite chart brings a heaviness to this otherwise light house. the difficult conversations will be had. The eighth house represents the death of your individual ego, which you sacrifice in order to merge with another person and become one with them. aquirkius jupiter in the composite chart Dying and rebirth. I am a young at heart Aries who likes partners with Saturn maturity who I can be teacher for. The goals and aims of your partnership are generally clear and well-defined. There may be a secretive quality to your relationship. Do they jump right into new experiences, or are they more cautious? So, with your composite Saturn in your ninth house, you may think more conservatively together than when you are apart. This can take its toll over the long term. This often causes couples with this placement to be critical and judgmental of each other's beliefs. Venus is a symbol of deep love. Saturn's ultra realistic attitude and approach to life puts a heavy weight into the house it occupies in a composite chart. Commitment to each other and dedication to your relationship are important for your sense of security as a couple. A love-hate relationship is very easy to slip into with this aspect. This position can point to a secret affair or a very private sexual relationship, and even to a relationship that is never consummated on a sexual level. Composite Sun in the 12th House. If the Moon (as an additional pole of Saturn) embodies, Saturn gives the right to exist. Scorpio is the fixed water sign ruling the 8th house. You may explore new ways of using the resources that you have, and can take an unconventional approach to sharing. You are excitable when you are together, and the sexual chemistry between you is so apparent its almost tangible. Anger is expressed immediately and with little hesitation, but so is passion. The Composite Sun reveals the heart of the relationshipthe primary reasons for your coming together. There may be conflicts in your relationship that revolve around travel, adventure, and personal belief systems, where one or both of you feel restricted or limited by the other in these areas. A potential problem of this position is the magnification of little problems and everyday complaints such that you end up complaining a lot with one another! Star*Mate Composite Report by Pamela Thompson The 8th house is the house of death and regeneration. Don't let Saturn drag you down this way. You could focus on success and accomplishment while together. Making a commitment to one another comes naturally, and personal issues and dynamics are out in the open rather than hard to define. Please note that some of the interpretations are not yet available. Emotional impulsiveness can be exciting, but also problematic. Demanding too much attention from each other, becoming bossy and self-centered in your interactions with each other, and focusing on instant gratification rather than long-term happiness are all strong possibilities if the energy is misusedand can be the downfall of the union. Neither of you are likely to offend the other with an inflated self-image. This is a challenging position for the Composite Sun, as it suggests a basic inequality in your relationship that could undermine it over time. Idealizing each other is great unless its taken to an extreme. Composite Uranus: Relationship Liberator or Destroyer? You may have a lot of energy for completing tasks, routines, and work done together. Sun In 8th House, Sun In Eighth House Meaning, Sun In 8th House Past Commitment to each other comes quite easily. One of you may be in a helping or teaching role, for example. Conversation isn't just a whimsical pastime. You don't want to raise the issues, and if they come up, you can't manage to form the words needed to discuss them. In its own house, Saturn's effect is amplified, and reinforced. Transit Saturn in the 8th House Transit Chart Interpretation Meaning This transit is one of the most difficult and has the potential to change your life forever. The sixth and the eighth house are also karmic houses. You need lots of attention from each other, and you are generally willing to give each other just that. Weighing the pros and cons is natural to you. Without clear-cut plans and activities, this dynamic energy can easily become restless and impatient energy. ), rather than address the deeper anger issues, which can easily become areas of irritation and anger. Composite Jupiter in the 1st House. If the relationship lasts, the tables turn and the younger person cares for the older person. Much of the time, putting faith in one another brings you joy. It can make your home life feel overly serious. Composite Mars in the 2nd House. Your natural responses to each other and as a couple to your environment are instinctive and emotional rather than intellectual. You treat each other as true peers. Composite Sun in the Ninth House A Ninth House composite Sun is a relationship that is built on mutual goals, dreams, and visions. Pride can keep you from addressing very important problems in your relationship, so do watch for this. Together, you are enthusiastic about life itself. If you are not on the go, you can be quite restless. You may even feel stronger as a couple than you do as individuals. It could be very hard to let go of each other, as you bond on a deep, perhaps inexplicable level. The Pluto person can help the house person become more organized, fit and healthy. You want respect from your community and you are careful to behave in a mature manner in public. Rather, it comes from an awkwardness about your self-expression as a couple or as individuals when you are together. You are a real couple. Composite Sun in the 11th House. You are a reliable, steadfast, and steady couple. There is a dreamy aura about you. You tend to think in terms of constancy and the long term. You come across as a somewhat traditional and practical couple. This relationship is bound to teach both of you to open yourselves up, as there is a generosity of spirit present that helps each of you feel free to let your hair down and have a little fun. It's about endings and beginnings. Therefore, as a couple, it is nearly impossible for you not to take these issues seriously. To achieve that, it should be in a favorable sign. However, in either case, you are serious about your finances and assuring yourselves a comfortable life in this material world. Moon In 8th House Synastry: The Kind Of Horrors You Should Prepare To How these positions will play out will depend on the aspects the planet makes, as well as which houses and positions the planet rules. This partnership has much potential to be a rewarding, lighthearted, and creative one. Transit Saturn in the 8th House Meaning, Transit Birth Chart, Saturn Composite Ascendant in Scorpio. Traditionally, it's been called the house of sex, death, and taxes. High expectations can be the result (especially if Neptune or Pisces is also involved), or the tendency to gloss over problems. Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. Schedules and routines are rebelled against, and it can be hard to feel organized with one another. It can cause you each to yearn to enjoy the physical pleasure money can buy, but you are either too worried about spending or simply don't have the resources to make the purchases. Composite Mercury in the 9th House. A heavily posited eighth house suggests a partnership that can be rather heavy in responsibility and emotion. Keeping busy together is important, as you might feel that idle time together makes you feel a little restless or impatient. This may have been a relationship that had a hard time getting off the ground. it may be difficult for you to share with one another, and you may have a hard time using resources that you have or finding any new resources together. Composite Moon in 8th House - The Astrology Place Unable to let go of control in your life. You can do research into anything you need to know more about together, and you can get to the core of any issues and come up with solutions together. You may be inclined to spend more as a couple than what you may spend independently. When applied to the fourth house, this focus can make your home family life feel like a hard-labor prison sentence rather than a cozy haven with the people you love. As the third house relates to navigating your immediate environment, it is an active house. Venus represents areas of life where you derive the most pleasure, and the seventh house represents the relationship itself. In the 8th house also known as the house of transformation, Saturn imbues a great deal of shrewdness and a heightened desire for control over their privacy. When you are together, you each feel the need to express your opinions and you find yourselves taking each other really seriously. Sexual attraction to one another runs high and is unlikely to burn out. You are not a demonstrative couple (in public) and others may think that your relationship may be more like a business than a romance as a result. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Reactions to each other and to the environment are immediate. Be careful not to let others dictate the course of your relationship by allowing yourselves to be overly swayed by others opinions. On the surface, it's about our style of sharing-how we use what we own as a unit. They equally desire one another in most cases. When transit Pluto is in the composite 8th house, you may be more intense with whatever you focus on together. Mutual support is essential to your relationship, and if you ever sense this basic ingredient is going by the wayside, do your best to get it back. At worst, you incessantly worry about your finances and your financial future always seems bleak. As well, you instinctively consider one another as an equal, with equal say in your union. It will always be vitally important that you give each other room to grow, and that you keep communication alive and thriving. The purpose of the relationship is to explore as far as possible and break old rules about the way the world should be. Both of you need extra attention, romantic or otherwise, in order to keep things alive and vital. You are likely very eager to learn and grow, and generally ready to laugh. Your main drive is to have fun with each other, and this feeds the love you have for one another. Composite Mars in the 10th House. They can easily read people's emotions. Saturn here is a symbol for a fear of abandonment and letting go of this life's conditions. The chances of you achieving a truly bonded and stable relationship are high with this position, unless the Sun is severely challenged in the composite chart. If the basic needs represented by the Composite Sun are not being met satisfactorily, the relationship will be in trouble. Saturn Square Pluto - Synastry, Transit, Composite - Astro Majesty Together, you are perhaps more optimistic than you are individually. Composite Sun in the 1st House.

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